How to involve your staff in keeping your factory secure

Despite automation and mechanisation in industry, many factories still employ a lot of people in the production of their goods. Due to the volumes involved, it can be very complicated and expensive to control theft and shrinkage, as well as exposure to more serious crime.

Criminals are aware of this and have infiltrated many factory floors. This may not be that clear and evident to management, who only become aware of shrinkage when stock take results are available.

It has been estimated that eight out of ten robberies or thefts are carried out with the help of staff or former employees. This is a cause for concern and management would be well advised to implement control systems that will indicate issues at an earlier point.

Instead of viewing the entire workforce as the obvious perpetrators, it would be much more efficient to partner with the workforce with the aim to keeping your factory secure.

Here are some ways of working with your staff to keep your factory secure:

  • Create incentives for your staff that engender pride in their workplace and positions. For example, establish a “Best Employee of the Month” system and reward members of staff who lead by example.
  • Make your employees act as the security to each other without them being aware.
  • Invite all your employees into your office to share ideas. This will help you get to know them better, and will also provide them with the opportunity to share their own suspicions.
  • Employ an undercover staff member who will dress like your staff and work the same shifts as them.

We would also like to encourage you to discuss the security of your factory and workforce with your security company. They have experience in this field and would be able to offer additional guidance and suggestions based on your unique situation.

If you are not sure how to take a pro-active approach in protecting yourself from criminals, please contact us straight away and we will be happy to share some additional tips with you.