How to run an effective road closure project

Many residents associations have implemented road closures in their areas in an attempt at keeping crime out. Perhaps this is the case where you stay as well?

But the truth about these road closures is that they very often make no difference and is actually a complete waste of time and money. In fact, they could actually put residents at greater risk than before. Believing that you are safe and protected behind a boom could easily result in residents becoming complacent in their personal safety, thus leaving a gap for the experienced criminal.

The answer is to ensure that your road closure project is effective and monitored to ensure that it continually delivers the protection it is intended to.

Here is how to run an effective road closure project:

  • Record your crime statistics so that you keep your permit.
  • Create a WhatsApp group that will keep residents informed about what is happening in their neighbourhood.
  • Have a system that communicates with your security service provider 24/7.
  • Have regular meetings with your security company.
  • Establish a committee or body of trustees that will oversee the daily working needs of your road closure.
  • Establish a system where one or two guards are on 24hr operational duty along with the guards maintaining access and exit of vehicles or persons, with a CCTV system that monitors from off-site. The CCTV system is recording so that even if the guard is on a toilet break, for example, events on the site are still being recorded.
  • It is beneficial to keep the same guard on site regularly. This can assist in the event of an emergency, or if you’re being followed the guard would be able to identify you or your family and provide access or exit immediately.

Road closures can deliver some great results and drastically result in a reduction in a suburb, but only if it is managed effectively. We therefore encourage you to implement the steps in this article to ensure that your residential area is safe.

If you are not sure how to take a pro-active approach in protecting yourself from criminals, please contact us straight away and we will be happy to share some additional tips with you.